Learn to make your career on Fiverr
Learn Fiverr and learn how to sell your skills on the internet through Fiverr.
What you'll learn
Learn how to create and keep updated your Fivver account
Learn the art of up-selling additional freelancing services
Make serious money on freelancing Fiverr
Turn your Fiverr buyers into long-term customers who have high lifetime customer value
Build a big freelancing business by hiring other freelancers
Sell many more freelancing gigs with on-Fiverr SEO
Increase average freelancing order size on Fiverr
Sell many gig-extras and additional freelancing services to existing customers
- Have some freelancing skills that you would like to promote on Fiverr
Learn to
- Have your gigs rank in Fiverr search and be discovered by more buyers
- Get people to make large orders from you
- Turn buyers into long-term customers who buy many gigs from you
- Increase sales of your gig extras
- Get your gigs to rank highly in Fiverr search, and get many organic sales from Fiverr search
- Maximize revenue potential from each customer
What types of fiverr freelancing services can you promote with this course?
- Marketing like SEO and social media marketing
- Freelancing for developers selling web development and app development
- Design services
- Sales and blog copywriting
- Coaching
- Voiceover
- Spokesperson videos
- Video creation, transcription, animation
Who this course is for
- This course is idea for people looking to make money freelancing from home
- If you are already freelancing on other sites, Fiverr can be a great addition
- This is ideal for people looking to supplement their income with Fiverr freelancing