HTML&CSS Tutorial and Projects Course 2022 (Flexbox&Grid)

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1 hour daily. total 12 hours


If you want to start your career in Web Development, HTML and CSS are essential skills to have because they are foundational languages of the web. 

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. In short HTML is a markup language that is used developing web pages.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. In short CSS is a language responsible for layout and styling of the web pages.

In this course we will cover both languages from the scratch and by the end of the course become HTML and CSS ninjas by building Responsive Real World Projects.

Why you should take this course?

Reason Number ONE – You Will Understand the Web Better.

Knowing the HTML and CSS and how they are used to create web pages is essential for web developer as 

Not only You will learn the theory of HTML and CSS step by step but you will be able  apply your knowledge by building Real Life Projects.

What you'll learn

Learn HTML5 from scratch.

Create responsive real world projects from scratch.

Learn where to get free images, custom fonts.

Learn where to get custom color palettes.

You will learn to build dynamic websites with WordPress

Learn CSS3 from scratch.

Learn CSS Grid and Flexbox Layout Modules.

Learn how to work with font-awesome icons

  • No programming/coding experience as we will start from absolute scratch
  • Any computer – Mac, PC.
  • Good internet
  • Any Text Editor. 
  • Any Web Browser. 
  • All required softwares are free!!!!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn Web Development from scratch.